Supporting materials available for download and easy access.

Pessoas LGBTQIA+
no Brasil

Pessoas LGBTQIA+
na América Latina

Diversidade e inclusão e suas dimensões Volume I

#AGORAVAI: Cartilha
para Profissionais de
Recursos Humanos

Diversidade e inclusão e suas dimensões Volume II

(R)EXISTIR: Diálogos sobre gêneros e sexualidades

Vulnerabilidade e
inclusão social


We Have Worked With



"Overall, my assessment of Integra Diversidade is very positive. It is important to highlight that they are truly capable of handling projects in Latin America because they have knowledge of the region’s specificities, as well as clear communication, openness, and acceptance of feedback throughout the process. I would also recommend Integra for providing in-depth content on the requested topics, a diverse and representative team, and the ability to handle complex work. I would love to collaborate on new projects with them."

Niarchos Pabalis

Director - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (LATAM) Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

"Integra has built our Diversity Strategy with us from the beginning.

The consultants always work with a personalized approach, sensitive to our context, pace, and particularities.

Throughout this journey, they have actively listened to us, pointed out opportunities and alternatives, and shared each step of our strategy with us, from challenges to victories."

Sheila Farah

Executive Director of People and Culture, DE&I

"Integra Diversidade was our key ally in developing a training program that combined knowledge of the realities of transgender, transvestite, and non-binary individuals with careful management of processes across the entire attraction, selection, and hiring chain. One of Integra’s greatest strengths is content management in training sessions, striking a critical balance between the trainers' expertise, bringing depth and precise guidelines, and creating a connection with participants."

Alexandre Braga

Talent Acquisition

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