Who We Are

We are a collective of specialists with different and complementary skills and profiles, founded in 2017. We always work from an intersectional and representative perspective to diagnose, expand, and sustain Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) in our client and partner organizations, contributing to the creation of a humanized culture that embraces differences.

For this reason, our lead and associate consultants form structured teams according to the needs of each project, ensuring expertise and representation because we believe in the motto: "Nothing about us without us."

With global operations, our goal is to enable companies and organizations to create opportunities and conditions for diverse profiles to truly be part of the team, building a plural universe of collaborators with integrated actions, plans, and policies aligned with ESG.

Our Manifesto

We believe in the value of environmental and social sustainability, interculturality, the plurality of visions and ways of being, and the need to recognize, value, and expand diversity in companies and organizations.

Differences already exist in every human being, and the freedom to be and express oneself in society is fundamental for the equitable and fair treatment of all people, as well as for the full development of their potential.

To truly include, it is necessary to plan in a technical, qualified, sustainable, and humanized manner, overcoming both conscious and unconscious biases at individual and collective levels.


To be a benchmark in Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) management from an ESG perspective, ESGusing participatory, innovative, and effective methods that promote organizational autonomy and enable the articulation of social transformation agents and effective Corporate Social Investment.


To equitably include people's diversity, creating the conditions to foster belonging and effectively integrating individuals. We aim to transform organizations by promoting rights, inclusion, equity, belonging, and diversity, making them inclusive spaces that enhance each person's unique trajectory. We do this with a multidisciplinary team of specialists who, from their experiences, offer an intersectional vision of DEIB, ESG and Corporate Social Investment.

Our values

Ethics and Transparency
In the presentation, use of data, and resources

Producing transformative results and raising awareness of the impact of social and environmental inequalities.

Effectiveness and Competence
Implementing actions that generate a global impact and effective results

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and
Manifested in the representation of populations excluded from social processes, as well as in promoting sustainability, equity, social justice, acceptance, and respect for plurality.

The articulation of actions at all levels of organizational responsibility, aligning our pillars of action and integrating multiple institutional activities in favor of cooperation and knowledge exchange.

Our team


Keyllen Nieto

Founder and Senior Consultant

A Colombian immigrant, Urban Anthropologist, and Master in Sustainable International Development.
With over 20 years of career experience in Brazil and abroad, she is a Leadership Mentor
specializing in Strategic Management, Cultural Transformation, and Interculturality.

Maite Schneider

Co-founder, DEIB/ESG Consultant, and Speaker

Human rights activist since 1990. LinkedIn Top Voice. Ambassador for the Rede Mulher
Empreendedora. DEIB professor at Aberje. Co-founder of TransEmpregos, the largest database of
CVs for trans people in Brazil.

Camila Santana

Administrative and Project Area Coordinator, DEIB Consultant

Psychologist and HR professional with over 15 years of experience, working in
national and international companies.


Alessandra di Castro

DEIB Consultant and
Project Coordinator

Communication specialist with national and international experience. Over 8 years of experience in human rights.

Elisabete Sacon

Project Coordinator

Administradora e MBA em Gestão de Projetos, Educadora Parental pela PDA.(Positive Discipline Association) e +20 anos de mercado financeiro.

Rocio Shuña

Project Coordinator

Peruvian immigrant, psychologist. Ph.D. in Social Psychology and MBA in Business Management.
15 years of career experience. Activist in the MILBi Network.

Veronica Gálvez Collado

Project Coordinator

DEIB Consultant specializing
in social psychology, gender, LGBTIQ+, and migration and refugee issues.

Danúbia Silva

Project Coordinator

Ceo Co-Fundadora da Ascensão Negra. Co-Idealizadora do Aquilombar na Lagoa. Comunicadora na Reafro. Atuou por mais de 20 anos no mercado corporativo com vendas,
experiência do cliente, treinamentos
e gestão de crise.


We Have Worked With



"Overall, my assessment of Integra Diversidade is very positive. It is important to highlight that they are truly capable of handling projects in Latin America because they have knowledge of the region’s specificities, as well as clear communication, openness, and acceptance of feedback throughout the process. I would also recommend Integra for providing in-depth content on the requested topics, a diverse and representative team, and the ability to handle complex work. I would love to collaborate on new projects with them."

Niarchos Pabalis

Director - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (LATAM) Global Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

"Integra has built our Diversity Strategy with us from the beginning.

The consultants always work with a personalized approach, sensitive to our context, pace, and particularities.

Throughout this journey, they have actively listened to us, pointed out opportunities and alternatives, and shared each step of our strategy with us, from challenges to victories."

Sheila Farah

Executive Director of People and Culture, DE&I

"Integra Diversidade was our key ally in developing a training program that combined knowledge of the realities of transgender, transvestite, and non-binary individuals with careful management of processes across the entire attraction, selection, and hiring chain. One of Integra’s greatest strengths is content management in training sessions, striking a critical balance between the trainers' expertise, bringing depth and precise guidelines, and creating a connection with participants."

Alexandre Braga

Talent Acquisition

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